Friday, January 16, 2009


I stumbled across the crystalsculpture2 youtube account a little while back when I was looking for early computer animations. I didn't know any information about it or the fact that there are three other crystalsculpture accounts on youtube.

I just scanned over rhyzome's highlights from 2008 post and thought to myself "this looks familiar" and... sure enough.

Enough background info. check these out for yourself: 1 2 3 4


Andrea said...

I love these. They remind me a lot of what it's like to imagine creating a piece of fabric on the loom. Dots and dashes that build up on each other.

Lars Larsen said...

Absolutely gorgeous. If only modern Flash animators were half as interesting.

I got my Sandin IP-style RGB Encoder working this past weekend, as an oscillator-driven pattern generator. The door is only beginning to open there -- but sometime this year I should have a pretty hefty working 70's style video synth/colorizer.

Been missing the hell out of you.

JWM said...

lars: I'm back in texas... so maybe sometime soonish I can plan a DFW trip. Sorry I've been a flake about keeping in touch. I want you to see pictures of my kid and stuff. I will try and send something (I still have those D&D books... need to put a package together. OOPS)

miss you too.

andrea: I've never used a loom but I imagine its awesome... watching patterns emerge from the mess of thread.

JWM said...

also, lars, I'd be really interested in what you come up with using your new video gear.


Lars Larsen said...

i'm hoping to get back into filmmaking this year. i should have a working video encoder for my synth sometime this month.

i want to shoot footage and then process/colorize the video inside the synth at the same time the soundtrack (also from the modular) is recorded, creating synchronous audio and video modulation.