Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Thanks to today's edition of WFMU's Ken's Show I was turned on to a really great little radio programme broadcast on Australia's ABC Radio National called The Night Air. I listened to the Podcast on String Theory and was totally wowed. I probed their website a bit more and found something even more interesting: a retrospective on an obscure Australian radio show from the sixties and seventies called Scope. I'm a sucker for old radio and for magazine style radio in general. Conceptual and theme based magazine style radio is even better, so I guess you could say that Scope could have been my favorite radio show ever, had I grown up in Australia during the sixties. With that being said, I invite you to join me in my fake nostalgia and immerse yourself in this: Reviewing Scope episode one: Time

note: I had to get rid of the seeqpod player on this post because I was unable to disable the auto play feature. If you want to hear the mp3 in its current embedded state, you will need quicktime.


1 comment:

Lars Larsen said...

Nice symmetrical triangle wave!